January 5, 2017: UnitusTI update 5.2.1

Here are the latest updates to UnitusTI!  Please read on for some important information regarding your account and program templates:

Program template clone feature:

We are thrilled to be able to release to you a brand new feature in the Program Templates section of UnitusTI: template cloning.  If you have ever wished you make an exact duplicate of an existing program template to use as a skeleton for a new program, this feature is for you.  When you select a template to edit, you’ll now see a button labeled “Clone” in the top right of the screen; clicking this button will create a brand new template that contains the exact same information as the original.  Any additional materials that had been uploaded to the original template will also be transferred to the clone.  Make any changes you would like to the new template, click save, and your newly created template will appear at the end of the program list in your catalog.  A brief demonstration video can be viewed here, and the support team is standing by to answer any questions you might have about this new feature - you can submit a support ticket from within the UnitusTI application, or simply reply to this message.

Upcoming program template changes:

The Mundo Pato team is preparing to introduce a major upgrade to the program template functionality in the next few weeks; among other things, you will soon be able to upload multiple additional procedure materials and create custom fields within your templates.  In the coming days, our technical team will be making some modifications to the templates in your account tied to the curricula that you purchased along with your UnitusTI subscription (ASCEND, Verbal Behavior Curriculum, Meet in the Music, etc).  The major changes that will occur in your account are as follows:

  • Original curriculum templates that have not been altered or edited in any way will no longer be editable; however, you will be able to clone the template to make changes for your own preferences
  • If you have edited an original curriculum template, those changes will remain; however, a “clean copy” will also be added to your UnitusTI account and the template type will be changed to “VBC(Custom)” to denote that it was originally derived from a curriculum template.
  • Clean copies of templates will not be editable (again, these restricted templates can be cloned to make changes)
  • If an original curriculum template (with no changes) is assigned to a current program execution, that template will be restricted from editing, but users will have the option to clone the template with existing data (see attached screenshot); that is, the template will be cloned and current data linked to a student will be retained and will “travel” to the new template.

These new changes are occurring because curriculum authors will soon be able to make updates to their original curriculum templates, and those updates will be made available to users upon publishing; however, the clean copies are required in order for updates to be received appropriately.

If you would like specific information about which templates in your UnitusTI program catalog will be affected and the changes that will be made, please contact the support team and they can provide that information to you.  Please be assured that no data or changes to templates will be lost in this transition.

Please feel free to contact the support team with any questions or comments that you might have on these new developments; the above-named template changes will take place in your UnitusTI account next week.  We will send a follow-up message to confirm when the changes have taken place.