May 8, 2020: UnitusTI Updates (ver. 6.15)

Here are the latest and greatest additions to UnitusTI!

Zoom Integration

Where: Center Information and Calendar

We are pleased to announce that the integration of the UnitusTI cloud with Zoom is now complete and you will be able to schedule appointments with your Zoom accounts on the UnitusTI cloud platform. We are thrilled to provide this functionality to assist you in providing remote care to your UnitusTI clients and students.

To get started:

  1. Step 1: Administrators should enable the link between the organization’s Zoom account in the new Center Information tab called “Meeting Providers”. Follow the instructions found here.

  2. Step 2: Set up calendar events for Zoom sessions

Refined Time-Based Data Collection with Milliseconds

Duration and Interval data collection types now allow you to choose milliseconds in your target times (see screenshot below):

Assessment lifecycle.png

Have questions or issues to report? Our friendly Support team is standing by! Use the support ticket feature in UnitusTI or with the blue “Support” button at the bottom of this page.